一个开头大家好,我是小征。 我们开了一档新的内容,分享最新的综述性论文,以便大家了解各领域的研究进展。 这些综述大多比较新,很多还在online,未正式发表。 如果您对分享的综述感兴趣,我们提供了全文下载方式,见下文。 下面是今日分享的综述。 标题Artificial intelligence in customer relationship management: Literature review and future research directions作者Ledro, C., Nosella, A., & Vinelli, A.期刊Journal of Business & Industrial MarketingSSCI (JCR 2021)IF 3.319Q3 (BUSINESS 111/154)时间Dec 2022摘要PurposeDue to the recent development of Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) technology solutions in customer relationship management (CRM), this paper provides a systematic overview of the field, thus unveiling gaps and providing promising paths for future research.Design/methodology/approachA total of 212 peer-reviewed articles published between 1989 and 2020 were extracted from the Scopus database, and 2 bibliometric techniques were used: bibliographic coupling and keywords’ co-occurrence.FindingsOutcomes of the bibliometric analysis enabled the authors to identify three main subfields of the AI literature within the CRM domain (Big Data and CRM as a database, AI and machine learning techniques applied to CRM activities and strategic management of AI–CRM integrations) and capture promising paths for future development for each of these subfields. This study also develops a three-step conceptual model for AI implementation in CRM, which can support, on one hand, scholars in further deepening the knowledge in this field and, on the other hand, managers in planning an appropriate and coherent strategy.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to systematise and discuss the literature regarding the relationship between AI and CRM based on bibliometric analysis. Thus, both academics and practitioners can benefit from the study, as it unveils recent important directions in CRM management research and practices.引用Ledro, C., Nosella, A., & Vinelli, A. (2022). Artificial intelligence in customer relationship management: Literature review and future research directions. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37(13), 48–63. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-07-2021-0332(引文格式为APA 7th edition)下载回复八位数字20220830可获得PDF全文下载方式 #往期推荐SSCI征稿: 人工智能营销与消费者行为 SSCI征稿: 拥抱人工智能的未来营销 #专题推荐 SSCI征稿专题1:人工智能16篇 我是尾巴 关注公众号SSCI征稿,了解更多的SSCI期刊征稿信息和最新综述论文。如果觉得内容有用,欢迎分享或点击在看。